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Dam Construction Project And Development Of Lowlands And Irrigated Areas In The Ganzourgou Province In Burkina Faso (pbab-pg)
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General Procurement Notice for Dam construction project and development of lowlands and irrigated areas in the ganzourgou province in burkina faso (pbab-pg)
Burkina Faso obtained a loan from the Banque Quest Africaine of Development (BOAD) for financing the dam construction and development of lowlands and perimeters project irrigated in the province of Ganzourgou in Burkina Faso (PBAB-PG), and intends to use the funds from this credit to pay for supplies, works and services to be acquired within the framework of the Project. The Project is jointly financed by the West African Bank of Development (BOAD) and the State of Burkina Faso and includes the three (03) following components: Component.2: Construction work on dams and development of lowlands and irrigated perimeters This component concerns the creation of infrastructure for mobilizing water resources and agricultural production. These infrastructures will be carried out by Delegated Project Management (MOD) with AGETEER and include: - the rehabilitation of the Mogtédo dam and the construction of (04) earth dams 4 Rapadama V5, Bomboré V1, Bomboré V3 and Tanyendeé; - the development and rehabilitation of lowlands or perimeters following irrigated Sites Type of development | Area (ha) Rapadama V5 Shallow 4 Koulwéogo Bas-fond 19 Bomboré V1 Irrigated perimeter 10 Bomboré V3 Irrigated perimeter 10 Mogtédo Irrigated area 115 TOTAL 195
Component 3: Control, monitoring and supervision of works Services relating to the control and supervision of works include: i) technical, administrative and financial monitoring of the execution of the works; ii) control of the quality of the work and the quantities implemented, in accordance with the technical requirements; iii) on-site supervision of work on site; iv) verification of attachments and certification of accounts and v) assistance to the Project Owner and Project Manager upon receipt of supplies and works. Supervision concerns operational technical support that Administration (Central, Regional or Provincial Directorates involved) will provide the Project Management Unit with a view to ensuring the quality of the development work and construction of collective infrastructure. This component also includes Mastery Delegated Works (MOD) which will lead the procurement process markets and monitoring of related services The contracts financed under this component are essentially service contracts. Component 5: Environmental and social measures This component concerns actions aimed at mitigating the effects potential negative effects when carrying out the developments and to reinforce its positive effects. Environmental protection activities