Ref. No. : 69525410   
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : The Recruitment Of A Local Consultant To Develop A National Solid Waste Management Strategy For The Ministry Of Local Government And Community Affairs.
Tender Detail : Request for Expression of Interest: The recruitment of a local consultant to develop a national solid waste management strategy for the ministry of local government and community affairs. Objectives, SCOPE, AND SPECIFIC TASKS of the Assignment The consultancy’s overall objective is to provide support to the Project Management Unit, and, by extension the Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs on a day-to-day basis in the preparation for the development of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy. The activities in the strategy development will entail: Inception: Inventory & summary of current policies, laws, and regulations related to SWM. Defined and prepared a solid waste and solid waste management profile. Refine existing stakeholder profiles. Prepare presentation materials for consultative meetings. Consultative meetings with lead government and sectoral stakeholders Scoping of National regulatory and institutional environment on SWM Conduct baseline nationwide field visits on SWM at districts, cities and local levels and determine preferable techniques. Understand the nature of SWM activities, current handling practices employed, adherence to environmental-health-safety measures, stakeholders involved, including constraints and opportunities. Dissatisfaction Diagnostic Assessment: Stakeholder mapping and assessment (include roles and responsibilities of stakeholders) Case studies of SWM strategy and assess performance in peer countries. Gap and opportunities assessment Inventory, assessment & prioritization of SWM strategy. Develop a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Stakeholder engagement at district, region, and national levels Recommendations SWM Strategy Development and Presentation: Draft SWM strategy and supporting materials. Stakeholder engagement Analyse and integrate all stakeholder comments into the report. Final strategy and action plan Stakeholder engagement and validation workshop SWM strategy presentation to lead government stakeholders. Project ID: P168608 Procurement Method: Individual Consultant Selection Submission Deadline Date/Time: Mar 20, 2024 04:30
Tender Location : Not Classified - Sierra Leone
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender Closing Date : 20/03/2024 at 00:00 Hrs.
Address : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Sub-Industry/Industry : Banking and Mutual Funds and Leasings - Financial Services   
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